
Friday 4 December 2020

EOTC Avtitvites

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you about EOTC week. 

We went to Orana Park, Quail Island, Surfing,  New Brighton Hot Pools, and Clip And Climb. 

My favourite one was Clip and Climb. It was so fun. Some of the walls were really hard. Orana park was okay. All of  them are tied apart from Clip and Climb. 

So I only put pictures of Clip and Climb. All of them were really fun. Hope you like my blog post. See  you next time. Have you gone to any of these places?

Friday 20 November 2020

Athletics Zones.

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you about how I did at zones. I had to do Relay, 80 metre sprints, shot put, and discus.

 First up in the morning we had to do relay. I do not know what place my school came. But we were not last. So that is good.

 After we had to do 80 meter sprints. I did not come last again so yeah. Once again I do not know what place I came in the ever. I had to wait about 2 hours till I had to do shot put.

 Once again I have know idea what place I came. Then I had discus. Do not know what place I came again. I hope you enjoyed my blog post. Did you make it to Zones?

Friday 6 November 2020

Buddy Class

 Hello fellow bloggers today we had buddy class. My buddy name is Ollie. Today we got to play games. Me and my buddy played colourful sticks with Riley and his buddy and Lewis and his buddy for the colourful stack game you have to stack them till your done, and uno. There is a video of use breaking our tower. I hope you liked my blog post.

Friday 30 October 2020

Athletics practice

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you about Athletics practice. I am a year 5 so I am in the year 5 boys groups. The real athletics is next week. Yesterday my group did long distance, shout put and high jumps. I like all of them.  Hope you liked my blog post. Have you done athletics yet?

Friday 16 October 2020

My Hoilday

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you what I did in the holidays. Me and my friends Connor had a sleepover at his house. We were up till about 1:00 am in morning. I also went to Connors birthday party. It was pretty cool. I got him a basketball. I went to my Nana and granddads house. I got that basketball for Connor


Wednesday 23 September 2020

My Anime Character

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to show you my anime character. I think my anime character is cool. If you want to do one here is the name of the page Sorry I cant link it but you can look at the site. Do you think my Anime character is good? I tried to make it like me. Here is my anime character.  We made anime characters as part of our cybersmart work.

Friday 18 September 2020

Buddy Class

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you about what we did in buddy class. 

My buddy's name is Ollie. We played with Lego first. And we had a competiton against Lennox and his buddy. We do not know how won. I think we did. Then we played with the real Lego. It was really fun. I hope you like my blog post. We do buddy class so if one of the juniors gets hurt they can come to use.

Friday 11 September 2020

We Won.

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you how I went in the finals for league. This game was at our school. On Tuesday we went against Templeton. We won. This was the championship game. A lot of people from my league team play for  Templeton. My team was just playing amazing. Most of the school came and watched. We are now the year 5 and 6 champions. I hope you liked my blog post.

Friday 4 September 2020

Task Master

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you about what we did for task master. For task master we did 2 challenges. One we had to spin one item. Lennox and Tory said we should use that pink ball. We did not do good at all we got 2 seconds. Then we had rip a piece of paper into something. My group did not do good for that ether. Thank you for reading. Hope you have a good day.

Friday 28 August 2020


 Hello fellow bloggers. Today I am going to tell you about how I did at basketball. We went against Middleton grange red. We won 57 to 15. I think I played pretty good. The whole team played good. thank you guys for reading. Hope you liked my blog post.

Kobe Bryant should be new NBA logo replacing Lakers great Jerry West -  Sports Illustrated

Wednesday 19 August 2020

My Poster About Chipmunks

 Hello fellow bloggers. Today I am going to talk about Chipmunks. For reading we had to make a poster about one wild animal so I did a chipmunk. Chipmunks are a really cool animal in my mind. I hope you liked my blog post. Here is my poster. Thank you for reading.

Friday 14 August 2020

Winter Sport.

 Hello fellow bloggers. Today I am going to be talking about my ripper game last week. We won our game but we do not know the score. I got seven try's ,Connor got seven try's ,Kody got 1 try and more people scored. We went against south hornby blues. I hope you enjoyed. Hurricanes Super Rugby Ball | Players Rugby NZ

Friday 7 August 2020

Buddy Class.

Hello fellow bloggers.  Today I am going to tell you about what we did in buddy class. In buddy class we had to play a game. The reason we were doing this was to show the young kids how to play, to teach them how to share and take times.  These skills will be good for wet lunchtimes. Me and my buddy played Uno and Go Fish with Lennox and Tory. It was really fun. My buddy's name is Ollie. Thank you for reading,

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Encourage Others Recycle

Hello fellow bloggers. Today I am going to show and tell you about how to encourage others to recycle. Our teacher this week told use to make a poster of how to encourage others to recycle. I will tell you one fact. If you don't  recycle turtles and other sea animals can die. Do you think my poster is cool? Thank you for reading.

Friday 31 July 2020

Friday Night Basketball

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you how I did at basketball last week. I am in the Hornets team.  We play every Friday night at Middleton Grange school.  This week we were playing against Ilam Bulls. We won by six points. It was a really close game It was 16 to 10. I got player of the day. I had guard the biggest person in the opposition team for the first half. Thank you for reading.

Chinese Basketball Association reportedly told American players to ...

Thursday 30 July 2020

How to get along with your family members

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you how to get along with your family members. For reading our techer said to make a poster of how to get along with your family members. I hope you like my poster. Do you think it is cool?

Friday 24 July 2020

Winter Sport.

Hello fellow bloggers. Today I am going to tell you about who we will be against in winter sport. This year I will be playing rugby. My team is called the Tigers. We are going to be against South Hornby School. My friend Kody is in the same team as me. We will be playing on field one. This will be my first ever school game. Do you think we will win? I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Thank you for reading.

Friday 3 July 2020

How to Keep your Password.

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you how to keep your password safe. Last week we made a poster of how to keep your password safe. I will tell you one thing only tell people who you can trust. I hope you enjoyed this blog post.

Zones Basketball.

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you about how I did at zones basketball. I think I did pretty good. My team got 4th place in the tournament. Somebody stood on my hand and it really hurts. We won 4 games and we lost 3 games.  It is my first time being in zones basketball. I hope you enjoyed this blog post.

Friday 26 June 2020

My Finished Design Processes

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to show you my finished design processes. I made a blog post about this a few weeks ago but it was not finished just yet. My group think we did a good job. We put in a few more things. Are playground is really big . It took as a week to do all of it. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

My facts about my Leiopelma.

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell and show you about the Leiopelma. For  reading we have being reading about frogs. We had to make a poster about 1 New Zealand frog. I made one about the hardiest name which is Leiopelma. I hope you enjoy my poster. Do you think my poster is cool?

Friday 19 June 2020

Our senior playground.

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you about our senior playground. We have been making a senior playground out of plaster-sine. If you leave it out for too long it will become solid. Our senior playground is not done just yet. We need to put in another few things to make sure we have finished. Do you think my senior playground looks good? Here is my playground.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

probability on dice

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you what my group has been doing for reading. For reading we have been doing probability. Probability is like you think you will role a 3 and you get 3 that is  probability. I made a tally chart and I rolled a dice 60 times. I guessed that I was going to roll a 3 10 times. I made it on google drawings. I hope you like my tally chart. Do you think my tally chart is cool? Here is my Tally chart.

Friday 12 June 2020

My information report.

Hello fellow bloggers. Today I am going to tell you about my information report. My information report was about my dog. We had to do an information report about one animal. I picked my dog because I know a lot about him. I have written 732 words. I hope you like it. Do you have a dog? Here is my writing.

Friday 5 June 2020

My phone case

Hello fellow bloggers. Today I am going to show and tell you about my phone case I made. My phone case was based on Kobe. I did him because he was my favourite all time player. The phone was based on the iPhone 11 pro max. It has the Lakers logo on the phone as well. Do you like my phone case? Here is my amazing phone case.

Friday 22 May 2020

Covid-19 poster

Hello fellow bloggers. Today I am going to show you my Covid- 19 poster. But first I am going to tell you about my Covid-19  poster. When we got back to school on Monday Miss Scott gave as the poster. I think it was really fun. My one is not very colourful. I finished it really quick. I think it was easy. Do you like my poster? Here is my poster.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

How to make a cheese and ham sandwich.

Hello fellow bloggers today I have done some Instructions.  We had to make a cheese and ham sandwich.  Because I do not like ham my brother had it for breakfast.  I would say it looks very good.  But I had to use white bread not brown bread.  Have you ever made a cheese and ham?

Friday 24 April 2020

Anzac day facts

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you some facts about Anzac.Anzac stands for Australian New Zealand Army corps.Anzac day is celebrated on the 25 of April.It is a national remembrance of  Australian and New Zealand.The Anzac tradition began during World War 1 with a landing in 1915.Do you know what Anzac day is?

Commemorate Anzac Day with the ODT Poppy Lift Out Poster | Otago ...

Thursday 23 April 2020

My poster.

Hello fellow bloggers to day I am going to show you my poster that I made to thank the essential workers.I made this because they are working when they could be helping there kids with school work.The essential workers have been working so hard they need longer brakes.Like meadow fresh they make milk and yogurt.New world countdown pak n save they sell food.So I like you like my poster.Is one of your parents an essential worker?

Tuesday 21 April 2020

My Anzac day drawing

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to show you my Anzac soiled. We got 3 options draw Lego or egg .I did the drawing which is very good I would say.I will show you what it should look like and what I did.I did a cartoon one.I am very sorry if you can to see it I did it a bit to small.Do you now what Anzac day is?

Soldier Animation Army men Cartoon, army soldiers, people, grass ...

Thursday 16 April 2020

What I have been doing in lock down.

Hello bloggers today I am going to tell you some things I am doing in lock down. I have been playing a lot of basketball so I can still be good. Also I have been playing a lot of board games like go fish or hungry hippo. I have also been watching a lot of tik tok and Netflix. I have also been going on 2k runs with my brother and dad. Some times me and my dad will take my dog for a walk. I help mum with dinner so she doesn't need to get angry. What have you been doing in lock down?

Friday 20 March 2020

This is just to say.

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you some writing we did a few weeks ago. "This is just to say.." means you did something like stealing the chocolate out of the cupboards or something like that. I did this is just to say I have drank all of the coca cola out of the fridge. In some of the piece of writing that  or class did some people blamed it on there brother or sister. But I did not do something like that. But I think I did very good. Do you know what this is just to say is now?

Ranfuly Shield

Hello fellow bloggers to day I am going to be telling you about  Ranfurly shield. I got to hold the men's cup.  Ranfurly shield has actually 116 years old. It also needed to go in a bag to travel because it is very fragile. Ranfurly shield is right behind me in the picture. Do you guys know what the Ranfurly shield is?

Friday 6 March 2020

Part 2 of my animation.

Hello bloggers today I am going to tell you abut part 2  of my animation. I am getting really good at using shortcut keys - this is what we have been learning to do with Cybersmart.  It is not done just yet. But I think it is really cool. This part is when some of the characters go on a mission. So renege raider goes into there secret base. Here is my animation. Do you like it?

Friday 28 February 2020

My animation

Hello bloggers. Today I am going to tell you about my animation. We were doing this to practice using shortcut keys on our Chromebooks. It is not done just  yet. Me and Nuu have done good a good job. It is about Fortnite.  It is really cool. The fortnight characters go into space.

Rams Basketball

Hello bloggers. Today I am going to tell you about the Rams basketball at our school. We have been practicing. Dribbling  shooting and defense. There is at least 40 people how do it. We played a game like sneak a granary. But with a ball. Here are some pitchers. Do the rams come to your school?