
Monday, 24 June 2019

T2W9 2019 - Blog Posting Jayden

Hey blogger's.Today my class and i have been talking about blog posting and quality post.I think I find blog posting easy. Do you find blog posting easy? Here are my slides.

Friday, 21 June 2019

kelly sport

Hello blogger's this week me and the class have been with Kelly Sport. We played a game of soccer but with our hands. Ana from Kelly Sport would shout a number out and whatever that number was you had to score. There was 4 teams - red yellow blue and no colour and I was in the red team. We used a volleyball.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Healthy food.

Hello blogger's this term I have been writing on a bit of paper .I have been writing about healthy food  .Like an apple a banana and more.I have bad food on there to like coke and fast food and more. Please leave me a comment

Monday, 17 June 2019

hero in the class room

This week we have been Loren to be a hero in our class room

T2W8 2019 Alter It!

Hello today me and the class have been doing slides and we had scribble out the importants saff like your namber plat and your street . Please leave me a comment .