
Monday 25 March 2019

All about me


  1. Hi Jayden the blog post was cool but what do you play with your dog? Jayden, how can you listen to music and read a book you will be doing two different things at once! I’d also like to know how many times have you won a match and who have you won against? That was the coolest blog post. By Stella.

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  2. Hello Jayden I love this post because you put heaps of stuff that you like also I like that you put a fun fact about you into your writing. Next time could you make it a different colour because it is a bit hard to read. What is you Brother's and Sister's name?

  3. Hello Jaden you have done great job with your work
    i like how you are so good at these different sports you are very talented
    i love how you have a playstation how long have you had the playstation old is your brother and sister Jaden?


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