Hi I am going to be talking about different types of motorbikes. The motorbikes that I am going to be talking about are Yamaha, Honda and Kawasaki. You will fall hard on a motorbike because when you go fast you will fall off fast and it will be hard to press the brakes.
Yamaha have very big tyres because it is safe. The brakes are so hard to stop on a Yamaha motor bike too. Quite a lot of them are blue. Another type of motorbike is called Kawasaki. The coluor of the kawsakey is green because they needed to make a new coulor on a motorbike. Honda bikes have red and look different to other bikes. They have a stand that you stomp on to start it instead of a starter button.
Motorbikes will go very fast because they go up to 361 kph. Motorbikes are very big because they need room for the petrol, engine, exhauste pipe and the starter button.There are pegs that you put your feet on because if they were not there you would fall off.
Another type of bike is a dirt bike. It rides on dirt because if it was not on dirt the tyres would pop. They have softer tires. There are seats on motorbikes because some motorbikes have strapes so they put seats on it because it will be comfortable.
Conclusion Motorbikes are all cool but i like yamha out of all of them. What’s your favourite motorbike?