
Thursday 16 December 2021

The Amazing Summer Learning Journey Day 4

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you about summer learning journey day 4. 

Today We were doing something called the Vecteor art. You trace around a picture you want then you can change the colours. I did babby Yoda. I think I could have done a wee bt better. But it was my first time. This was a really fun activite. The hardest part was tracing. But after that It was really fun. Hope you enjoyed my blog post. Have a good day or night. Bye.


  1. Baby Yoda is such a cute character.Well done Jayden.
    I like that you gave him some hair and big ears.
    What was the one thing that you thought you could of done better?.
    I like it...well done.
    Have a wonderful holiday.

  2. Good morning Jayden.
    I was just checking to see if you had tried any of the other SLJ activities.
    I have looked at a few blogs the there looks to be some cool activities to do.
    I hope you are having a a great holiday :)


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