
Friday 31 July 2020

Friday Night Basketball

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you how I did at basketball last week. I am in the Hornets team.  We play every Friday night at Middleton Grange school.  This week we were playing against Ilam Bulls. We won by six points. It was a really close game It was 16 to 10. I got player of the day. I had guard the biggest person in the opposition team for the first half. Thank you for reading.

Chinese Basketball Association reportedly told American players to ...

Thursday 30 July 2020

How to get along with your family members

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you how to get along with your family members. For reading our techer said to make a poster of how to get along with your family members. I hope you like my poster. Do you think it is cool?

Friday 24 July 2020

Winter Sport.

Hello fellow bloggers. Today I am going to tell you about who we will be against in winter sport. This year I will be playing rugby. My team is called the Tigers. We are going to be against South Hornby School. My friend Kody is in the same team as me. We will be playing on field one. This will be my first ever school game. Do you think we will win? I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Thank you for reading.

Friday 3 July 2020

How to Keep your Password.

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you how to keep your password safe. Last week we made a poster of how to keep your password safe. I will tell you one thing only tell people who you can trust. I hope you enjoyed this blog post.

Zones Basketball.

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you about how I did at zones basketball. I think I did pretty good. My team got 4th place in the tournament. Somebody stood on my hand and it really hurts. We won 4 games and we lost 3 games.  It is my first time being in zones basketball. I hope you enjoyed this blog post.