
Friday 25 June 2021

New Zealand Warriors Visit

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you about the New Zealand Warriors coming to visit.

Yesterday 2 people from the Warriors came to visit our school. One of their names was Jr. He is the winger for the warriors. Also there was  a lady named June who came. The New Zealand Warriors play in the NRL with 15 other team. I won a water bottle for answering a question. The question was when did the Women Warriors entered the WNRl. The answer was 2018. They asked some other questions and if you got one right you would either get a water bottle, Shoe laces, our a swimming bag. 

Then I got to go outside and do some drills with them . We played bull rush and a game were you put the cone in the middle of 2 people and when someone calls cone you have to grab it as fast as you can. Well hope you like my blog post. Did you know who the New Zealand Warriors were before this blog post? Hope you have a good day or night. This is what my water bottle looks like.


  1. Hello Jayden I think that you have done an amazing job on this blog post it has heaps of information and a pictures of your cool drink bottle your got. I was also there and it was heaps of fun!

  2. Hello Jayden I think this is a good blog you did so much information it lookes so much cool the drink bottle.


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