
Friday 1 October 2021

Inter Class Sport

 Hello fellow bloggers. Today I am going to be telling you about inter class sport.

On Monday we were playing a game of touch against room 11. Riley got 4 tries and I got 1. We won 5 nothing. Then we got to go against room 8 in the finals. We won 2 nothing. I got a try and some one else did to. My mates and I went crazy. But this was only the first sport. 

On Wednesday we went against room 9 for Football. We ended up having a draw. So we went into a penalty shot out. No one got a goal. So our captain and the other captain went and did paper scissors rock. Our captain won. So then we were going into the finals against room 8 again. No one scored. So we went for another 4 minutes. No one scored. So it was a penalty shot out. Our captain got it and won our team the game.

So now we are going against the teachers today. Well hope you liked my blog post. Have a good day our night. Thank you for reading.


  1. Hi this is a realy cool blog and I hope we win.

  2. It sounds like the game was quite competitive Jayden.
    I like a game where teams don't score easily or quickly.It makes it more enjoyable to watch.
    Did you play in any of the teams against the teachers?.

  3. I am just leaving a comment to see if you had added any new post Jayden.
    Have a great week.

  4. Just a message to wish you a happy and warm week Jayden.Take care.


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