
Friday 5 November 2021


 Hello fellow bloggers, today I am going to tell you about athletics.

For my first event we were doing shot put. My first throw I went further then my friends. The second one I got a tiny bit longer. Then the last one was my worst one. I did not know what place I came. But I wasn't in the top 5. 

The next event was high jump. In high jump I made the first one. Then It started to get harder and harder. I think I could have done better. One of my friends made it to the finals for high jump.

The next event was long distance. We had to do 4 laps. Around all the class rooms then around the court. The first lap I was about 8th. Then from there on I was 7th the whole time. My legs were so tired. 

The next event was long jump. They put us into order A to Z. The first jump is a practice jump. I did alright. Then the next jump is where I had to do a good jump. I did mine. After everyone had finished. The teachers said 4 people who were going to the next round. Me and 2 of my friends made it. All of my friends said that I did a good jump. But they did not tell us who came 1st or 2nd. 

After that we had a break. Then we went to the next event. We went to discus. I did not do good at all. I think I could have done way better. But I didn't. 

The next event was relays. But we just did a bunch of games. Like All in Tag. 

After that was sprints. We had to do it in front of the whole school. The year six's had to go last. But then I got into my race. Then I came 1st place. I got to go to the finals. I was against one of my friends. the race started I got a slow start. But then I went full speed. I ended up coming 2nd. My friends came 3rd.

Hope you enjoyed my blog post. Have a good day or night. 


  1. What I like about your post Jayden,is all the information you included.I really like it when you can read a post and not need to ask a question.Super effort and well done for getting 2nd :)

  2. I look forward to reading a post about the Top Town activities that you participated in Jayden:


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