
Friday 3 December 2021


 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you about EOTC week.

For the first day we got to go to Spencer park and Adrenalin forest. I was with my friends Laiseni, Lewis, and Maddock. We got to start off at Spencer park. Me and my mates player some rugby in the sand. Then we went in the playground. After that it was time to go to Adrenalin forest. They went threw all the safety stuff. Then we were going to start. Maddock and I got to start off at level 3. It was really high. But the zip line was really fun.

Day two we got to do Mega Air, swimming, top team competition. We got to start off at Mega Air. I was doing dodge ball with my friends. Then did a game of flip. We ended up going back to dodge ball. After that we walked back and started to swim. I went in there for about 5 minutes. Then left. After that it was top team. We just got to do a bunch of challenges.

Day three we got to go to Selwyn sports centre and roller skating. We started off playing in the play ground. Then went and played rob the nest. After that we played base ball but with a tennis racket. We finally got to do roller skating. I fell on my but about one thousand times. Then the day was over. 

Day four we got to do an amazing race in town. I was with my friend Laiseni. It was a really long day. We got to go on the tram. We got to go to do a bunch of funny photos. I got to go in a telephone boxs. Then the day was finshed.

Day five we got to go surfing. First we had to put or wet suits on. The we got to find a board. After that they showed as how to surf. I went really deep and started to get really good. I caught 3 waves in a row but I fell off. I started to stand on the board. Then we played on the beach. 

I think surfing was my favourite. Have a good day or night. 


  1. Hello, Jayden I think that you have done an amazing job on this blog post it has heaps of information and 2 amazing pictures.

  2. Hi J-dog I really like your blog post how much did you like eotc week?

  3. You were an amazing participant with your team Jayden.You showed leader ship and respect to all.
    Thank you for making the activity so pleasant :)


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