
Friday 5 June 2020

My phone case

Hello fellow bloggers. Today I am going to show and tell you about my phone case I made. My phone case was based on Kobe. I did him because he was my favourite all time player. The phone was based on the iPhone 11 pro max. It has the Lakers logo on the phone as well. Do you like my phone case? Here is my amazing phone case.


  1. Hello Jayden, I enjoyed your blog post. I like how you mentioned Kobe. Do you have a IPhone Pro Max? How long did it take you to make it? Have a good day or night and Lennox gone.

  2. hi jay den it is Lewis and i really like your blog post because it is about basketball and it is a phone case. i like it how u did the camera like that. next time could you please put some brighter colours.

  3. I like the tribute to Kobe, Jayden.I can see you have added RIP.Do you know what happened to him and his daughter?.


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