
Friday 5 March 2021

Name Alien

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to talk about my name alien.

The first thing we had to do was link our name. Then we had to show Miss Scott. After that we had to put it on the window and trace it. That was the hard bit. After that we had to use pastels to colour it in. I think I could of done a we bit better. Here is my name alien. Do you like my name alien?


  1. Hello Jayden i think that you have done an amazing job on this blog post. It has heaps of information and a picture. It kinda looks like my name alien. What was you favorite color on it?

  2. Hello jayden next time can you explain a bit more about it and how to make it did you enjoy making it?

  3. Hello Jayden.
    The choice of colours is what makes your picture stand out.I think with the way you have written your name makes it look more like a bug.The tall writing reminds me legs and I think it's the j,makes antennae.
    What did you do with your alien once you completed it?.

  4. hello jayden i like your blog post it is cool why did you try to hide behind the cheat.


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