
Tuesday 18 September 2018

My First Post EVER!

hi my name is Jayden my favitrit food is pizza
  in  Christchurch i like going motorbike to backflip Dorit farm case it has very good thaks it has my  favourite fings there

I like to play league shrine prakets kick i have  a big brother and sister mum dad to at my house they  are very nice to me   the will give me  frey money to dolers mum and dad will get me a free drink I like WWE to I am 7


  1. hey jayden i love your work because you said what is your favret food next time you coud put some full stops in from lewis

  2. I like haw you ar sayen wot you like and yor fravet foot and you atet heps to yor woorck and nex tim gas worck one pizza then you wol be got

  3. hi jayden fank you for a ramiynder

  4. to jayden I love motorbikes too they are awesome and cool

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. hi how are you jayden


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