
Thursday 16 April 2020

What I have been doing in lock down.

Hello bloggers today I am going to tell you some things I am doing in lock down. I have been playing a lot of basketball so I can still be good. Also I have been playing a lot of board games like go fish or hungry hippo. I have also been watching a lot of tik tok and Netflix. I have also been going on 2k runs with my brother and dad. Some times me and my dad will take my dog for a walk. I help mum with dinner so she doesn't need to get angry. What have you been doing in lock down?


  1. Hello Jayden.
    It's great to see you have made a start on your work.Well done.
    I have been going on long walks too.In Waterloo Park they have distances written on the footpath.You just follow the right coloured arrows.
    Can you explain what Tik Tok is?.I have heard a lot of talk about it but have no idea about it.
    Keep up the great blogging and good on you,for helping mum with tea.I am sure she appreciates it. I know I do when my daughter cooks for me.

    1. Hello Mrs Cassidy.
      Tik tok is like Instagram and snap chat.You can make cool videos and get thousands of views. When we take my dog for a walk we go for a very big one probably about 2 k . Me and Mum get a long realy good in the kitchen.From Jayden

  2. Hi Jayden.
    I love that you added that you and your mum get along in the kitchen,that made me love.I think that is so sweet.
    What food do you and mum cook?.My daughter is very good at cooking spaghetti bolognese.She makes a HUGE mess but the food is YUM!

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