
Tuesday 12 May 2020

How to make a cheese and ham sandwich.

Hello fellow bloggers today I have done some Instructions.  We had to make a cheese and ham sandwich.  Because I do not like ham my brother had it for breakfast.  I would say it looks very good.  But I had to use white bread not brown bread.  Have you ever made a cheese and ham?


  1. Hi Jayden, you have very clear and easy to follow instructions. I like the way you have added detail at the start of your blog about giving it to your brother and the fact you would have liked to make it with brown bread. I have made ham and cheese sandwiches before - I usually add tomato relish to them and then toast them. What is your favourite type of sandwich?

  2. Great step-by-step instructions Jayden.
    I did have a giggle over the fact that you don't like ham and gave it to your brother.I hope he liked it and appreciated the effort you put into making it.
    I like putting bacon in with my cheese and making a toastie.Sometimes I even put in onion.YUM!
    What sandwich filling do you like?.

  3. Good evening Jayden. Nice simple instructions for your ham and cheese sandwich, I hope you enjoyed the sandwich without the ham. Great that you mentioned cleaning up, very important and I'm sure the adults in the house would appreciate that.

  4. Hello Jayden.
    I am just leaving a comment to let you know that I have had a look at your blog today.

  5. Hello Jayden.
    I am checking all the blogs in room 10 tonight so I am leaving a comment to let you know that I have looked at your blog.Have a great week.

  6. Hello Jayden i really like this blog post because you told me how to make a yum ham sandwich i also like how you told me to clean up at the end next time you could make the writing bigger because it was quiet hard to see.


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