
Friday 16 April 2021

The Amazing Zones League

Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you about zones league.

First of all I only got to play 2 games. Basically I got a head knock and Miss Scott would not let me play any more games.  For those 2 games I think I played all right. I got some tackles and did some good carries. My favourite play of the game would have to be when a kid was on a run away and I tackled him. 

I got my head knock from getting a run away and banging my head on the ground. I thought I did not need to run so I jogged and then I was tackled. My team got 3rd place which is still very good. 

Well I hope you enjoyed my blog post. Do you play league? Here are a few pictures.


  1. Hello jayden how old do you reckon the tall guy is?

  2. Hello Jayden I think that you have done an amazing job on this blog post it has heaps of information and 2 pictures. Good job

  3. Great post Jayden.
    I'm glad that Miss Scott kept you off the field.Having a head knock can lead to more serious issues later on.You may feel ok to begin with but you may suffer in the long run.

    It sounds like you played well and had some good moves.

    I haven't played league but I have been and watched my husband referee MANY games over the years.

    I hope you have a great break from school.

  4. Hello Jayden.
    I am just leaving a comment to let you know that I have had a look at your blog today.


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