
Friday 10 September 2021

What I Miss About The Lockdown

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you what we have done for the past 2 days of school. 

For writing we had to say what we will miss and what we will liked about coming back to school. I am a bit angry that we are going back to school. Mainly because I want be able to sleep in our stay up late. One of the main bits I liked about lockdown was that I could do what I wanted when I wanted to. But I really enjoyed playing basketball with my big brother.



  1. You stayed up till 1 o'clock !WOW...I go to bed around 8:30-10 at the latest.
    At least during the weekend you can stay up late on Friday and Saturday night.
    It sounds like you had fun with your brother.Is he at good at basketball as you are?.
    Have a great week.

  2. Hello Jayden it is Riley I love the photos. But you should maybe take of the blue part when you wright.


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