
Friday 17 September 2021

Athletics Practice.

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you what I did for athletics practice.

Yesterday we got to do 3 events. I am a year 6 so I was with the year 6 boys. The first event we did was shot put. My best throw was probably about 8 meters. Then we went to high jump. I jumped all of them. I almost hit the bar but I didn't. The last event we did was sprints. I am pretty good at sprints. My friends and I came 2nd place against the teacher. Well hope you liked my blog post. Have a good day or night. 


  1. Hello Jayden, I think that you have done an AMAZING job on this blog post. It has alot of information and a picture. What was your favorite event?

  2. Hello Jayden.
    Wouldn't it be great if we had a track like the one in your picture,at school.
    8 metres is a long way to throw-how many throws did it take you to get the ball that far?.
    What was the highest height that you jumped for the high jump?.
    I wasn't very good at this activity.I usually just ran at the bar rather than run onto it sideways.


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