
Wednesday 18 August 2021

Were In Lockdown

 Hello fellow bloggers as some of you might now know that we are in level 4.

After a man got a covid-19 case. Our Prime Minister said the whole of New Zealand will be going to level 4. I think she did the right decision. Hopefully we are only in lockdown for 3 days. So hopefully we don't get any more cases. Well hope you have a good day our night. By the way don't go out of your bubble. 

Posters | Unite against COVID-19

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reminding me about staying in my bubble Jayden.It just feels like a weekend and I sometimes just want to visit my friend but then I remember that I can't,not yet anyway.
    I do go and see my neighbour as she needs support every day.

    We will know at 3 o'clock today to see what happens next.
    What have you been doing to keep yourself busy during this extended break from school?.


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