
Monday 30 August 2021

What I Have Been Doing In Lockdown

 Hello fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you what I have been doing in lockdown.

I have been playing a lot of basketball. It is just because I like to play. I have also been going on bike rides with my Dad every day. I watch a lot of  YouTube to. Me and my brother Zac have been baking. We baked cookies today. Well that is all I have been doing. What have you been doing in Lockdown? Hope you have a good day our night.

1 comment:

  1. It's so great to see you blogging Jayden.Thank you for letting us know what you've been up to.
    Do you have your own basketball hoop at home?.
    What a great way to spend some of the day-biking with dad.The weather has been nice for it.
    Good on you and your brother for baking cookies-what flavour were they?.

    I have been busy cycling (inside) going on long walks and supporting my elderly neighbour.

    Take care and thanks again for posting.


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